House of Blues Anaheim, Anaheim, CA
Sat, Sep 25, 2010 07:00 PM
Citi Cardmembers
Starts: Fri, 08/13/10 10:00 AM PDT
Ends: Sat, 09/25/10 03:00 PM PDT
Elefantes was a Spanish band playing pop music
The band was composed with musicians Jordi Ramiro (drum), Julio Cascán (bass guitar), Hugo (guitar) and Shuarma (vocals and composer of the musical themes).
The band was active from 1994 to 2006.
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udh beli ticketnya??...hr ini tmn2 qu udh di preSALE queuenya! I think they got already! PreSALE 1 SOLD OUT! Its open for 2nd one!
Presale 1 the temper trap udah soldout! Presale 2 is coming..hiks!
Thanks to everyone who came out tonight, show next saturday at the garage. Seven presale, twelve at the door:)
Getting closer to paid tempertrap presale.. Can't wait for November..!!
the presale sold out mad quick but the show still has tickets I definitely raced, I love that man As for the other shows probs not
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